We help industry leaders solve the problems of the world’s biggest brands.
We push the boundaries of common research challenges and explore new and innovative ways to find solutions.

Product & Service strategy
Identify insights to fuel new strategies, invent new business and product solutions and disrupt the status quo. Explore new pathways that anticipate the future and keep you relevant.
GOALS: Invent new business and product solutions and disrupt the status quo.
QUESTION: In the face of cratering sales of a brand staple, a major CPG sought to identify opportunity areas in the category to win back its lost and lapsing consumers.
APPROACH: Using online netnography (data collection related to social interactions), Ignite 360 focused on light or lapsed consumers of the various product sub-lines. We further collected behavior and sentiment data via an ethnographic deep dive with an identified subset in order to uncover where our client lost these consumers and what offerings could bring them back.
RECOMMENDATION: Our in-depth analysis identified three archetypes of consumers and provided the basis for customized strategies to win each segment back. These recommendations included a focus on product purity and simplicity as well as guidance on how to create a premium offering.
RESULT: A new product was launched and within 3 months, went on allocation. It was the largest launch in the dairy category in years, generating over $100M in revenue in year 1.
Make your Big Idea happen
Turn your prioritized ideas into concepts and your concepts into reality. Co-create, prototype, test, refine and launch your Big Idea faster than you thought possible using our engaging, iterative process and battle-tested tools.
GOAL: Win in the marketplace through the introduction of differentiated, breakthrough, consumer-need-based innovation.
QUESTION: How do we create a program that brings in design thinking principles into our engineering oriented environment? We need a way to provide leadership with apples to apples comparisons.
APPROACH: Leverage Ignite 360’s design thinking and facilitation abilities to create a program that engages across functions – from engineering to product managers to insights – while placing the consumer front and center.
RECOMMENDATION: Developed a 3-step, turn-key program to Co-Create, Evaluate and Co-Refine how the company engages consumers at the right moments with the right questions in order to build stronger ideas and concepts.
RESULT: Once the program was implemented, company leadership was better informed and equipped for critical decision-making around how they committed resources and greenlit implementation. The program runs monthly with custom cycles added regularly. Training on-going to build a Human Centered Design thinking culture.
GOAL: Build a new product pipeline for the still bottled water category by generating new concepts that solve consumer problems.
QUESTIONS: How do we innovate compelling products by identifying and leveraging the latest consumer trending flavors, benefits and packaging?
APPROACH: Utilize a custom Design Sprint to focus efforts on quickly gathering customer insights, prototyping new ideas, and validating them while simultaneously flexing to fit busy client schedules and looming deadlines.
RECOMMENDATION: Design Sprints don’t have to happen on sequential days. Ignite 360 developed a clear plan for alignment, consumer pre-work, team immersion into the category, and then followed up with interaction, ideation, evaluation and refinement.
RESULT: The lead concept that was generated from the Sprint ultimately passed stage gate criteria and won the Game Changer award from the client’s Executive Leadership Team.
“This work made us look at our consumer in a whole new light.”
— President, Product Division
Find and prioritize the next big win
Leverage human-centered, iterative learning models to unearth needs, both met and unmet, map consumer jobs & opportunities, prioritize and develop your innovation pipeline.
GOALS: Identify the spaces to play and successfully compete in the crowded QSR breakfast landscape
QUESTIONS: What are the consumer jobs of away-from-home breakfast and which needs and jobs are most viable opportunities for innovation?
APPROACH: Depth qualitative discovery to unearth four key consumer need states and corresponding jobs. Online survey of 1,000 target consumers to assess job relevance and satisfaction with current offerings in the marketplace as well as brand fit. Data, combined with the team's business perspective and brand strategy in a facilitated session, was used to prioritize where to play and ways to win.
RECOMMENDATION: Several jobs arose as more relevant and underserved with most centered in one particular need state. Recommendations to further invest in bolstering credibility in this area by emphasizing key reasons to believe in messaging and brand touchpoints.
RESULT: Innovation pipeline established with a concentrated focus on priority jobs and the launch of successful new menu items designed against the job requirements.
GOALS: Provide the Executive Management Team with consumer input on new service models and the tactical experience of various features being considered. Develop empathy and a deeper understanding of consumer needs, both met and unmet. Break down organizational silos in order to better serve customers.
QUESTION: How do we leverage the breadth and depth of our products and services, across the enterprise, in a way that feels consumer-centric and differentiated? How can we provide a more holistic point of view to our diverse customer base by identifying common themes, needs and barriers?
Approach: Ignite 360 worked directly with marketing and business leaders by bringing them into the field to interact with key consumer segments. We trained the cross-functional client team on how to build empathy and more effectively listen to consumer stories to better identify delighters and opportunities.
Recommendation: Our approach identified a unique and differentiated service model that directly addressed consumer needs and expectations, thereby improving the customer experience and brand sentiment.
Result: The Chief Marketing Officer leveraged the insights and learning we provided in order to facilitate a dialogue with the bank Operating Committee - all direct reports to the CEO. This led to a focused effort to break down organizational silos and provide a more universal perspective with human truths that could apply more broadly across segments.
Discover and improve the customer journey and experience
Uncover the full path to purchase with context-rich insights. Reduce points of friction, capitalize on moments of choice and decision and orchestrate new behavior to improve your odds of success in the marketplace.
GOALS: A growing, regional healthcare system set on a journey to further improve its position as a preferred provider by bettering access touchpoints and navigation for its patients. A secondary goal was to help the team on its path to become a more consumer-obsessed learning culture.
QUESTIONS: What is the current experience of healthcare access across segments and patient needs and what are the moments of consideration, choice and decision where help can best be offered to smooth the path ahead?
APPROACH: Stakeholder interviews were conducted to understand success criteria and factors impacting eventual activation on our insights. Next, a cross-section of healthcare users were engaged for immersive, in-depth interviews from which a comprehensive journey map was developed and insights socialized within the organization.
RECOMMENDATION: Key areas along the access journey were identified as opportunities for improved connection via personnel, revised processes as well as enhanced technology solutions.
RESULT: Ignite 360 provided clear direction and prescriptive guidance on the most essential moments for intervention and improvement. Insights helped the team plan their priorities of investment and action going forward. Program served as a model to build upon for future consumer-first initiatives.
GOAL: Establish leadership in a new category of products.
QUESTION: How can the brand break out from its existing customer allegiance and association as a go-to provider of home storage to include the bigger, and growing, life organization and custom closet segment?
APPROACH: We outlined the journey from need, planning, shopping, choice, purchase and project completion for three target segments. Specifically, we gained a deep understanding of consumer needs via online immersion and depth in-home and in-store ethnography, mapped the journey, investigated perceptions and explored needs and feelings. We also conducted a robust online survey to measure importance and satisfaction of key moments and influencers along the path.
RECOMMENDATION: Our insights identified specific opportunities to modify marketing as well as in-store and customer experience strategies. Our recommendations were focused on increasing brand awareness and expanding understanding of product offerings to elevate the perception of the brand’s position in the custom closet category.
RESULT: Learning influenced the brand’s rollout of re-branded and dedicated custom closet stores as well as a 3-year growth and marketing plan.
Create meaningful messages that stick the landing
Get noticed, engage with empathy, and build loyalty with your target customers by speaking in their language with an inspired and impactful communication strategy.
GOAL: An emerging player in the olive oil category sought to re-align their marketing strategy to better speak to their core consumer.
QUESTION: What resonates with our customers about our brand and how can we leverage that learning in order to inform sales and marketing strategies?
APPROACH: Ignite 360’s insights team performed deep dives with heavy users / buyers of olive oil - both those already using our client brand as well as those favoring competitors. Our approach included in-home, store visits and collage activity to fuel conversations on olive oil uses and brands.
RECOMMENDATION: Through our learning, we provided messaging recommendations that focused less on details like tasting notes and instead focused on the human connection of consumer to the farmer.
RESULT: The brand followed our recommendations and has enjoyed double digit growth for 6 years, now at $125M revenue and is the leading olive oil at Whole Foods, and in the top 5 in grocery and mass merchandisers such as Target.
GOALS: A tech company known for efficient business solutions needed to convince the growing freelance and entrepreneur audience of its equally impressive tools to unlock their creativity, collaboration and on-the-move functionality.
QUESTION: What are the cultural, social, and emotional tensions among the target audience? What are they seeking to accomplish and why?
APPROACH: Guided the team through a process to capture in-going hypotheses on the target’s lives, goals, motivators and barriers. We then interacted with a set of our target consumers both online (asynchronous) and in-person in their homes, travels, work places and moments of leisure. After synthesizing our learning, we identified key need state states and recruited consumers to ideate and co-create potential solutions around each need state. Detailed profiles of the target and needs states identified were brought to life via high-energy, edited videos.
RECOMMENDATION: Ignite 360’s Insights identified an opportunity to speak more effectively to the target audience by using the language of reinvention, a focus on progress and, most importantly, by developing a fluid connection between People of Action, their ideas and pursuits, and their diverse networks.
RESULT: A powerful video ad campaign was produced that showcased the impact of our client’s tech solutions on the pursuits of real difference makers and entrepreneurs as they made their dreams a reality.
Overcome decision-making stall
Provide data and insights within a story that brings meaning, builds conviction and sparks leadership to say “yes” and move forward with confidence.
GOALS: Bring entire product development team together around key insights and improve understanding of Human Centered Design
QUESTIONS: What are the key insights from the range of projects the organization has conducted that all product developers should be aware of? What are the tenets of Human Centered Design? How do we leverage those in our product development?
APPROACH: Meta analysis of past projects to identify relevant key themes and insights, development of workshop to help client team apply learning and embrace Human Centered Design thinking.
RECOMMENDATION: Developed summary sheets of all projects which clients could use for rapid understanding and sharing of project learning. Participatory workshop included activities to help build practice in Human Centered Design
RESULT: Ignite 360s understanding of Human Centered Design and how to conduct research to support the design process led to the agency being asked to take over the client’s Concept Value Test program. The product team began to apply Human Centered Design thinking in their ideation and product development on a regular basis. Ignite 360 developed summary project sheets became standard for the research team to complete at the conclusion of each project.
GOAL: A healthcare non-profit sought to build upon existing behavioral health offerings to generate new services for underserved populations
QUESTION: What services could we add to our business strategy in order to better support youth, families, medical professionals and communities when it comes to create a world free of addiction?
APPROACH: To better understand consumer needs and to establish a baseline, we conducted stakeholder interviews, team workshops and 1:1 consumer interviews. With learnings in hand, we conducted innovation and concept creation workshops with both consumers and stakeholders to develop co-designed new service concepts.
RECOMMENDATION: We ultimately further developed and evaluated the top concepts by pressure testing with stakeholders and then created a business plan. This armed the non-profit’s fundraising team with consumer-centered Cases for Giving that clearly demonstrated the need and opportunity using a story-forward approach that sparked emotion and created a clear call to action.
RESULT: Increased donor support through philanthropy and engagement.
“We are having great discussions. The teams are all keen to make changes to our strategy. The work continues to get attention as we move forward.”
— Sr. Insights Manager
Identify and size consumer segments
Segment the consumer landscape to find, engage and win with your most viable target audiences.
GOAL: Identify and map the shopper journey and develop a shopper segmentation to improve communication and merchandising toward a more sharply targeted audience in both legacy and new entrant markets.
QUESTION: What shopper groups best align with the shoe retailer’s format and what marketing actions should be taken to increase share of purchase among these key groups.
APPROACH: Depth online and shop-along ethnographies were followed by a robust quantitative online survey that explored the shopper journey and specific attitudes, behaviors and needs when shopping for shoes. A cluster analysis of attitudinal and behavioral ratings about shoe shopping were used to identify shopper segments.
RECOMMENDATION: Among six shopper segments uncovered, three segments were identified as primary targets for the shoe retailer based on their focus on value, functional practicality, and comfort. Among each of the three segments, specific actions were recommended related to deals and promotions, assortment and highlighting mom’s ability to win via enhancing kid-appeal.
RESULT: The client used this learning to inform their content marketing strategy and has reported annual net sales increases and the largest growth gains in the company’s history.
“You’ve run circles around everyone else we work with.”
Upskill your team’s capabilities
Improve skills in key areas of listening, interviewing, story crafting, building influence, and gaining alignment.
GOALS: Increase the influence of the Insights function by improving storytelling skills
QUESTIONS: The insights function has a range of data sets and audiences to consult and influence. What are the principles of storytelling that are used by successful storytelling partners that we can utilize to influence the audience?
APPROACH: Adopted Ignite 360’s Storymasters training program to fit a 90-minute window in a round robin series of 3 training sessions.
RECOMMENDATION: Our training utilized the “Learn, Practice, Apply” approach to training in order to teach fundamentals of audience identification, considerations of oral, written and visual stories, and how to find the One Big Idea.
RESULT: Approximately 90 corporate researchers, from Associates to Directors participated and took away lessons to improve their storytelling and influence skills.
GOALS: Increase brand team empathy for their target consumers to then translate this understanding into more effective messaging and business strategies.
QUESTIONS: How can we overcome the common category buying behavior of brand-switching based primarily on price and instead build stronger preference and loyalty for key brands?
APPROACH: Ignite 360 provided a workshop training to the entire team about the principles and steps necessary to build empathy with interactive application directly with consumers. We guided the team through dismantling judgment, listening and translating their understanding into meaning for their business.
RECOMMENDATION: Employ the steps to creating empathy across the business to see significant improvement in consumer adoption of the products and resonance with the brand’s communications.
RESULT: High performing advertising campaign for the anchor brand; a continuation of the learning through investment in annual empathy training programs for the entire team.
Reshape company culture and retain talent
Understand current sentiment and the levers to empower your team to innovate collaboratively, cultivate new processes and build more empathetic and customer-centric organizations.
GOAL: Enhance the effectiveness of leadership in implementing DIB behaviors and practices throughout the organization.
QUESTIONS: What are the current feelings and perceptions of employees toward the leader’s DIB initiatives? Where is there room for improvement? What should continue? How are employees feeling in terms of DIB in their business unit?
APPROACH: Ignite 360 conducted confidential interviews one-to-one with the leader, direct reports and others further down the organization to understand how DIB was showing up. Learnings were synthesized, shared and workshopped with the leader and an executive coach for further implementation.
RECOMMENDATION: While credit was given for progress, there is room to bring in more diversity, foster inclusive practices and help people feel that they belong and that their voice is heard.
RESULT: Learnings were carefully crafted, delivered and workshopped and further actions are underway.
“Your guidance and support with the team was amazing. So nice meeting you and looking forward to future projects together.”
— Marketing Director